Editorial Reviews
About the Author
Barbara has attended the University of Wisconsin and Otterbein College where she studied nursing and psychology. Her books draw on her many years of family life living in Wisconsin, Wyoming, Texas and Ohio, along with her educational experiences. The result has been to create a series of fun and colorful characters and books that deal with many of the issues children face today, from dealing with the elderly to developing their imaginations to safety issues at home and school.
Barbara wanted to create the kinds of books that children could grow up with, from early preschool through early elementary ages. Younger readers will enjoy the pictures and having the stories read to them, while older readers will still enjoy the pictures as they read the books themselves. The books are wholesome, teach strong values, are non-violent and all of Barbara’s characters have redeeming values, even though an occasional Muffie-O-Nee might be just a little naughty from time to time.